Hello, I am Vanessa Elingway. I developed an interest in online marketing after creating my first website. My site was built from the ground up using a free program and dial up internet. The site featured far too many flashy banners and swirling text, but it taught me about controlling web traffic. Since then, I've closely followed online marketing campaigns from individuals and businesses. My site will explore the various elements that go into a great online campaign. I hope you will follow along with my site to learn about this important and fascinating industry. Thank you for visiting my site.
Mia Kuhn
If you are getting started with creating a real estate website, you are going to want to hire a real estate web builder who understands how online marketing specifically applies to the real estate industry. With a real estate website, there are certain elements you are going to want to focus on as you create the website.
Include a Community Page
As you work with your web developer and determine the pages you want on your website, be sure to include a community page. A community page will focus on the neighborhoods, towns, or areas that you specialize in.
Include a map that shows the specific areas you specialize in. Hire a copywriter to write copy for the community page that focuses on the amenities and attributes that make the communities you serve stand out. Go into detail, and provide information about the school districts, recreational opportunities, dining opportunities, types of local businesses, and city events.
You want to sell buyers on the communities you specialize in and provide them with all the in-depth information they need to determine if those are communities where they want to purchase property.
Focus on Social Media Integration
Real estate is a very visual media, and it is a very interactive industry, which is why you are going to want to integrate social media share buttons for major sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter on your site.
That way, if someone sees a house that they like on your site, they can easily share it with their friends on their favorite social media site. You want it to be easy for visitors to share real estate listings and blogs on social media; social media share buttons are the internet equivalent of word of mouth. Make it easy for people to share your information in order to gain more traffic and sell more properties.
Always Have a Subscription Form
Your website is one of the best tools you have for capturing leads. Include a subscription form that asks visitors to subscribe to a newsletter or for property updates. You can then use the information from the subscription form to send out targeted emails that will turn your leads into customers. Don't waste the opportunity to cultivate a lead—be sure that your real estate web developer includes pop-up subscription forms on your site.
Focus on Photo Optimization
Let your web developer know that you will be adding a high number of photos to your website. They will need to structure your website to load efficiently with a high number of photos and structure it so that it is optimized for both mobile and web-based usage. With a real estate website, great photographs are your bread and butter, so you want to ensure your site is set up to facilitate the use of a high number of pictures.
When it comes to developing your real estate website, choose a developer who has worked with other real estate agents in the past and understands the unique needs of your industry. The four suggestions above are just the starting point for what your website needs; an experienced real estate website developer will be able to go more in-depth with you on what your website needs.
Contact a web developer for more info.