Learning About Online Marketing Tactics
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Learning About Online Marketing Tactics

Hello, I am Vanessa Elingway. I developed an interest in online marketing after creating my first website. My site was built from the ground up using a free program and dial up internet. The site featured far too many flashy banners and swirling text, but it taught me about controlling web traffic. Since then, I've closely followed online marketing campaigns from individuals and businesses. My site will explore the various elements that go into a great online campaign. I hope you will follow along with my site to learn about this important and fascinating industry. Thank you for visiting my site.


Learning About Online Marketing Tactics

  • 5 Reasons Your Business Needs To Do Content Marketing

    17 October 2019

    Over the years marketing has shifted, and as most of your customers are online, you need to engage in digital marketing. Content marketing, in particular, is essential for the following reasons.  1. Increasing Organic Web Traffic To put it in very simple terms, content marketing refers to filling your website with content. The content may include traditional web pages such as "about us" and "services" pages, but it should also include resource pages, blogs, and any other content you want added to your site.

  • 3 Must-Have Features For A Professional Business Website

    23 October 2018

    A professional business website is more than creating a basic website and adding products to sell. When you want to achieve a website that will grab attention and help with your overall success, you often need the help of professional web developers. 1. Eye-Catching Website Design You can stick with a classic design, but more businesses are moving toward trendy designs and features to attract visitors and turn them into customers.

  • Marketing Strategies And Customer Incentives To Help Your Law Firm Thrive

    7 April 2018

    If you are a criminal lawyer, you have likely encountered times where it seems impossible to draw in a steady flow of clients because competition is fierce and people in need of a lawyer tend to choose other professionals who practice in the the same district as you. Marketing strategies and customer incentives can help you become a prominent law figure who people trust and choose to hire for all of their legal needs.

  • Tips To Improve A Law Firm's Conversion Rate

    11 July 2017

    Managing a law firm can be a daunting task. In addition to the need to practice law to represent your clients, you will also need to oversee the managerial aspects of the law firm. One of the more important metrics for your law firm is its conversion rate for potential clients. If you are struggling with improving your law firm's client conversion rate, you might find that you have overlooked a few strategies for helping to improve this metric.

  • Need To Put Your Small Medical Business Online? What To Do

    22 February 2017

    If you have a small medical office to serve customers and you have mostly relied on word of mouth for advertising, it's time to make a change. If you want to expand your business and grow some, you want to be sure that you're doing everything you can to market your services properly, and to reach the right amount of people. There are a lot of different things that go into a good marketing plan, and if you aren't online with a website and social media, you aren't advertising as effectively as you could be.